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Conway's Game of Life

Combinators Implementation

With jQuery Combinators, you can write your own application logic using exactly the same fluent style that jQuery's methods use, creating a single, consistent and easy-to-read style for your jQuery-powered JavaScript or CoffeeScript.

This toy implementation of Life was written to demonstrate fluent application logic. You can try it here. Click to toggle any cell between alive and dead. Press return to advance a generation.


jQuery is a general-purpose library that provides a number of browser-specific functions. Its core functionality manipulates selections of DOM entities in a fluent style. There are four fundamental operations on a selection:

  1. Filter a selection, analagous to Array.prototype.filter. Special case: Create a selection by filtering the entire document.
  2. Traverse from a selection to another selection, e.g. from a selection of DOM elements to their children.
  3. Perform some operation on the selection for side effects, e.g. making the selected elements visible.
  4. Map from a selection to some other value or values, e.g from a selction to an integer representing the size of the selection.

jQuery provides a large number of methods that fit into one of these four categories, and when you use its built-in methods, you can write idomatic, "fluent" jQuery code. But when you incorporate your own logic, you have to break out of the fluent style.

Life, the Universe, and jQuery

Let's say we are writing an implementation of Life (because we are). And let's say that we are representing the Life Universe as a table, with one td for each cell in the universe (because we did). And live cells have the class alive.

If we wanted to select all the cells to the right of a live cell, we could do this in jQuery: $('td.alive + td'). And if we wanted to filter a selection of cells to thoe that were to the right of a live cell, we could write $selection.filter('td.alive + td').

So far, so good. Yay jQuery. But how do we name this relationship? How do we DRY up our code? And how do we do it in a way that naturally fits in with jQuery's style?

jQuery Combinators

jQuery Combinators to the rescue. jQuery Combinators provides a method called .into that turns any function into a traverse, and .select that turns any function into a filter. So we can write:

function hasAliveOnLeft ($selection) {
  return $selection
    .filter('td.alive + td')

And now, whenever we want to use this, we can write $selection.select(hasAliveOnLeft) just as if hasAliveOnLeft was a built-in jQuery filter. There's also .tap for turning your own functions into methods that perform an operation and return the selection, just like jQuery's built-in operations.

The Standard Implementation

Compare and contrast this code to the "standard" implementation here. A full explanation of the benefits of jQuery Combinators is in this brief essay.


For instructive purposes, this implementation of Life is gratuitously coded to do everything with operations on DOM elements rather than working at lightening speed on a model and then displaying the result in a canvas or on the DOM. This is not intended as anything except an excuse to pack as many DOM operations as possible in the space provided.

The Code

;jQuery(function life() {
  var $      = jQuery,
      $tbody = $('table tbody'),
      SIZE   = 16,
      iterating = false,
      incrementNeighbourCount = incrementCountBy('n'),
      incrementLeftRightCount = incrementCountBy('lr'),
      resetNeighbourCount = resetCount('n'),
      resetLeftRightCount = resetCount('lr'),
      cellSelector = '.cell',
      aliveSelector = '.alive',
      oneLeftRightNeighbourSelector = '.lr1',
      twoLeftRightNeighboursSelector = '.lr2';

Set the page up

Construct a table of cells dynamically and then set up ts click and event handlers to create an affordance-free UI.


The core algorithm

This is the core algorithm for iterating the Life Universe. It is one continuous fluid jQuery expression, starting with a selection of every cell

  function stepForwardOneGeneration () {

Starting with every cell...


Counting Neighbours

Most of the work we're going to do is counting neighbours. This is a little complicated because the tree structure of an HTML table is not a direct fit with the 2D structure of the Life Universe. That's actually a good excuse to demonstrate how to streamline complex operations, but if you ever want to write a fast life engine, start with good data structures.

We'll encode the number of neighbours in a class, from n0 (zero neighbours) to n8 (eight neighbours).


First, we're going to count the neighbours to the left and the right of every cell. In addition to encoding the result from n0 though n2, we'll also encode the result in one of three classes, lr0, lr1, and lr2. This will be useful later for counting diagonal neighbours.

|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
| ? | X | ? |
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |

Here's our first use of .select. It passes the selection to a function that is understood to apply a filter. It has the special property of treating the filter as atomic, so if that function applies several filters adn/or traverses, .end() will still work just as if this was a single call to jQuery's .filter method.

We also have our first use of .tap. It passes the selection to a function but always return the selection. We use that to implement operations, such as incrementing the left-right neighbour cont by one.

We fnish with jQuery's .end to "pop the stack" and return to the original unfiltered selection.


and if they have a .alive to the left AND right, we increment their neighbour count by two.


Now we count whether each cell has one or two vertical neighbours.

|   |   |   |
|   | ? |   |
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
|   | X |   |
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
|   | ? |   |
|   |   |   |


If a cell above or below us has one horizontal neighbour, we must have one diagonal neighbour. If it has two horizontal neighbours, we must have two diagonal neighbours.

|   |   |   |
| ? |   | ? |
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
|   | X |   |
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |

And therefore, if the cells both above and below us have one horizontal neighbour, we must have two diagonal neighbours

|   |   |   |
|   |   | ? |
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
|   | X |   |
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
|   |   | ? |
|   |   |   |

And finally, if the cells both above and below us have two horizontal neighbours, we must have four diagonal neighbours

|   |   |   |
| ? |   | ? |
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
|   | X |   |
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
| ? |   | ? |
|   |   |   |

We can now discard the lr classes


Implementing Life's Rules


Any cell that is not alive and has exactly three neighbours becomes alive


Any cell that is alive and does not have two or three nighbours dies


That's it, remove the neighbour counts.


Setup Functions


Build the table dynamically. No real reason for this except to play with the size. Maybe one day there'll be a user option to resize things, or to resize the universe as the window grows and shrinks.

  function buildLifeUniverse () {
    var i,

    for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
      $tr = $('<tr></tr>');
      for (j = 0; j < SIZE; j++) {
          .attr('id', 'h'+j+'v'+i)

The smallest and most affordance-free UI.

  function bindEventHandlers () {
      .keyup(function (event) {
        if (event.keyCode == 13) {
      .on('click', cellSelector, function (event) {

The Filters

  function hasOnLeft (clazz) {
    return function hasOnLeft ($selection) {
      return $selection
        .filter(cellSelector + clazz + ' + ' + cellSelector)
  function hasOnRight (clazz) {
    return function hasOnRight ($selection) {
      return $selection
        .next(cellSelector + aliveSelector)

Nota Bene: Even though jQuery Combinators provides .select specifically for filters, .into works just fine and is slightly faster if you don't need to preserve atomicity for use with .end().

  function hasOnLeftOrRight (clazz) {
    return function hasOnLeftOrRight ($selection) {
      var $a = $selection.into(hasOnLeft(clazz)),
          $b = $selection.into(hasOnRight(clazz));
      return $a
  function hasOnLeftAndRight (clazz) {
    return function hasOnLeftAndRight ($selection) {
      return $selection
  function hasAbove (clazz) {
    return function hasAbove ($selection) {
      var $result = $selection.filter(),
      for (columnIndex = 1; columnIndex <= SIZE; columnIndex++) {
        $result = $result.add(
      return $result;
  function hasBelow (clazz) {
    return function hasAbove ($selection) {
      var $result = $(),
      for (columnIndex = 1; columnIndex <= SIZE; columnIndex++) {
        $result = $result.add(
      return $result;
  function hasAboveOrBelow (clazz) {
    return function hasAboveOrBelow ($selection) {
      var $a = $selection.into(hasAbove(clazz)),
          $b = $selection.into(hasBelow(clazz));
      return $a
  function hasAboveAndBelow (clazz) {
    return function hasAboveAndBelow ($selection) {
      return $selection
  function cellsInColumnByIndex (index) {
    return function cellsInColumnByIndex ($selection) {
      return $selection
        .filter(cellSelector + ':nth-child('+index+')')
  function hasNeighbours () {
    var selector = cellSelector + '.n' + arguments[0],
    for (i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
      selector = selector + ',' + cellSelector +'.n' + arguments[i]
    return function hasNeighbours ($selection) {
      return $selection
  function willBeBorn ($selection) {
    return $selection
  function willDie ($selection) {
    return $selection

Side-Effectful Operations

  function incrementCountBy (prefix) {
    return function incrementCountBy (number) {
      return function incrementCountBy ($selection) {
        var i,
        if (number === 0) return;
        for (i = 8; i >= 0; i--) {
          was = prefix + i;
          next = prefix + (i + number);
            .filter('.' + was)
  function resetCount (prefix) {
    return function resetCount ($selection) {
        .removeClass(prefix + '1 ' + prefix + '2 ' + prefix +
          '3 ' + prefix + '4 ' + prefix + '5 ' + prefix + '6 ' +
          '7 ' + prefix + '8'
        .addClass(prefix + '0')
  function animateBirths ($selection) {
      .addClass('alive', 1000, 'easeInSine')
  function animateDeaths ($selection) {
      .removeClass('alive', 1000, 'easeInSine')


  function log ($selection) {
    var $i;
    for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {

        arguments[i].map(function (i, e) {
          return $(e).attr('id')
